Thank you for reading our blog in 2016 and we hope you will join us for more interesting articles in 2017. We’re taking a look back at our blog posts from last year and counting down our most read blog posts. Why not take a moment to read through our top 10 list, are there any that you missed?
Data driven testing with Sahi for API’s using OAuth authentication
In a boom of API use, we look at automating the testing of API endpoints that employ the OAuth Authorization protocol.
SLA: How many 9’s do I need?
I recently had a conversation with a colleague regarding service level agreements and what kind of uptime SLAs we were required to provide or would recommend to some our customers.
Azure Licks: Enabling Full-text Search on SQL Azure
Utilising Full-text search in one of our solutions is a cool new feature we could roll out to our clients.
Solid Principles
Because we have a number of development engineers spanning various levels of experience, we thought it would be appropriate to have a quick refresher course on SOLID with some practical examples in one of our lunchtime brown-bag sessions.
Debugging .NET Azure Cloud Service Worker Roles with WinDbg
How to deploy Application Insights Status Monitor Preview on a Cloud
Microsoft provided documentation and scripts for the Visual Studio Online version of Application Insights, but this SDK is now deprecated; similar scripts for the new version are not yet available.
SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machines
In the past week, we’ve moved the user to a new SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition. Here are a few of the things we’ve learned along the way with regards setting up SQL Server and SSRS as standalone instances on Azure VMs.
Automated Deployment: PowerShell Script to Stop IIS Website
One of our products contains an IIS web application which uses long-running threads to process background tasks. Unfortunately, this can make it a little tricky to deploy a new version of the product.
Azure Licks: Using Redis cache with SignalR
We recently integrated SignalR into one of our Azure solutions to push notifications to users. For scaling out between multiple instances of roles, we facilitated Redis.
and our most read post of 2016 is ………..
Xamarin Forms & Bluetooth LE
More and more we are seeing small low power devices being integrated with Bluetooth allowing users to control and interface with these peripherals via their phone.