
Using TOKEN substitution in Azure DevOps

There are many different approaches to configuring and deploy .NET web applications for multiple environments using Azure DevOps. And some of the built-in tasks in Azure DevOps work just...

Finding the Right Software Development Partner

Introduction When it comes to developing software, many companies lack the internal infrastructure to do this themselves and turn to professional services. But how do you find the right...

Introduction to OWIN & KATANA

Brief overview of Microsoft web technologies with a focus on OWIN & KATANA.

Starting Out with Xamarin Forms & UI Templates

Starting with Xamarin Forms Thinking of dipping your toes into Xamarin Forms but don’t know where to begin? Starting out can always be intimidating, but don’t worry we have...

Restrict Certain Characters in Entry Control

Often times while building mobile apps in Xamarin.Forms you get a requirement to restrict certain characters in input, this is not provided in Xamarin.Forms out of the box to...

Spring MVC – Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events(SSE) is a lightweight & standardized protocol for pushing messages from a HTTP server to a client. It is generally used to get real-time notifications/messages from the server.

Esports Gold Site Launches

A recent client provided Greenfinch with the fascinating opportunity to dive into one of the most rapidly expanding industries of the modern age, otherwise known as esports. A generation...

What is AI?

We all have some idea what AI is. The whole internet seems to be burning up with new stories about AI. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what is...

Digital Transformation and How to Perform One

Digital transform is the integration of digital solutions into all sections of your company to improve how your company operates, and also it should improve your customer interaction.

Just How Good is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure is Very Good. Here’s Why. It can be difficult setting up an IT infrastructure. This is where Microsoft Azure can be a big help. It simplifies making...

Benefits of Working with ASP.NET Core when Coding Enterprise Application Development Solutions

ASP.NET Core is a high performance, cross-platform open source framework used for building high-performance web and mobile apps. It has tons of great features and was produced by Microsoft...

Should You Be Hiring an Ethical Hacker to Test your System?

Ethical hacking (or penetration testing) is the process of testing your systems/applications for vulnerabilities. Many companies hire ethical hackers as part of their general security.

Pointers for Outsourcing your IT

Your IT has become more than your in-house IT team can handle and you are looking to see whether outsourcing is a viable option. What do you need to...

Growth Producing Mobile App Ideas

Do you feel that while business is good, it could be better? You think that there is something simple you can do that would get you ahead of your...

10 Steps to Web or Mobile App Development Success

With over two-thirds of the world using mobile devices, developing an app for your business or to perform an online function can make perfect sense.

What is Java VisualVM used for?

What is Java VisualVM? In Java Software Development, keeping it simple is often the best approach. A java developer should take a similar approach when troubleshooting and monitoring applications....

Azure Licks: Explaining Uses of Azure Logic Apps & Function Apps

What are Azure Logic Apps used for? Azure Logic Apps are a great way to accomplish a variety of integration in the cloud, like sending emails on some trigger...

Top 10 Greenfinch Blog Posts of 2016

Thank you for reading our blog in 2016 and we hope you will join us for more interesting articles in 2017. We’re taking a look back at our blog posts from...

Xamarin and Azure Notification Hubs

Introduction on how to use the Azure Notification Hubs platform for sending push notifications to the various platform specific notification services for each of the major mobile platforms.

Apache JMeter Load Testing with CAS

Apache JMeter is a free open source tool for running load testing on applications. In this blog post, we show a simple example and a more complex one integrating...

JPA 2: Criteria Builder

Using JPA's CriteriaBuilder to create dynamic queries in a typesafe manner.

SLA: How Many 9’S Do I Need?

Uptime/ SLA: This is something that comes up more and more, particularly in relation to software delivery on cloud hosting platforms nd so on all offer ever increasing levels...

Xamarin Forms & Bluetooth LE

Xamarin forms and Bluetooth LE: More and more we are seeing small low power devices being integrated with Bluetooth allowing users to control and interface with these peripherals via...

Data Driven Testing with Sahi for API’s using OAuth

We previously blogged about using the testing tool Sahi to add browser testing to our CI pipeline. Today we’ll show how we leverage the same testing tool to automate...

Debugging .NET Azure Cloud Service Worker Roles with WinDbg

How to debug managed .Net application on a low level, using WinDbg.

Why Use Two-Factor Authentication?

There is a lot of information available on how 2-factor authentication works, but much less about why it is a good idea.

SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine

In the past week, we've moved the user to a new SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition. Here are a few of the things we've learned along the way with...

Azure Licks: How to Run a Full-Text Search on SQL Azure

Utilising Full-text search in one of our solutions is a cool new feature we could roll out to our clients.

Azure Licks: Using Redis cache with SignalR

We recently integrated SignalR into one of our Azure solutions to push notifications to users. For scaling out between multiple instances of roles, we facilitated Redis.

How to deploy Application Insights Status Monitor Preview on a Cloud Service Webrole

Microsoft provided documentation and scripts for the Visual Studio Online version of Application Insights, but this SDK is now deprecated; similar scripts for the new version are not...

Compressing Files

While optimising our deployment process we came across some applications which had an absurdly large deployment package: a 750 MB zip file is a lot of data to be...

Adding Browser Testing to the Continuous Integration Pipeline

We have tested a number of browser test harnesses over the last few years and has found Sahi to be very reliable and powerful.

Google Glass API Overview

The Mirror API is what Google originally released with Google Glass and provides a simple way to send timeline items to Glass and receive them from the user using...

Solid Principles

Because we have a number of development engineers spanning various levels of experience, we thought it would be appropriate to have a quick refresher course on SOLID with some...

Git Tagging for .NET

A few years ago we moved to git from svn at the start of a new project. There were a lot of devs, several QA involved and a lot...

NoSQL as an Alternative to Relational Databases

Despite its name NoSQL should be considered a complement rather than an opponent to relational databases. With the increasing maturity of alternative tools the NoSQL turned into NOSQL to...

Automated Deployment: PowerShell Script to Stop IIS Website

One of our products contains an IIS web application which uses long-running threads to process background tasks. Unfortunately, this can make it a little tricky to deploy a new...